The Wonder of Biohacking

I have become fascinated with Biohacking and since I have been practising my own form of Biohacking, this has produced a beneficial impact to my own physical health.

Biohacking is the practice of making deliberate adjustments to your body. This can be implemented through lifestyle choices, in order to boost physical or mental performance, optimise health and potentially extend your lifespan. This has been prevalent with silicon valley billionaires, many of which are working towards life longevity.

One of the most renowned biohackers is, billionaire Bryan Johnson who has made no secret of his mammoth and experimental attempts to increase his life span and slow down the course of his own aging process. I personally follow his journey and find it captivating!

Biohacking can involve various approaches such as diet modulation, exercise, supplementation, fasting, therapy, meditation, sleep improvement, stress management, and the use of technologies or substances to boost certain bodily functions.

Biohacking is based on the idea that by understanding and manipulating our biological systems, you can improve your overall well-being and achieve specific goals. The ultimate aim is to optimise your physical and mental performance, health, life span and resilience.

It is important to stress that, with any changes that you decide to make to your physical health, it is best to first consult with your GP or medical professional to check the safety of any new supplement, change in diet or substances etc.

If you have any questions or would like more information on a particular aspect of biohacking, feel free to get in touch.


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